The National Center for Innovation & Excellence is part of the Brevard Family Partnership Family of Agencies. Brevard Family Partnership (BFP) was established in 2003 as a non-profit organization in response to the Florida Legislative mandate to privatize foster care and related services (Section 409.986, Florida Statutes).
The Agency was subsequently awarded the contract through the Florida Department of Children and Families to manage Brevard County’s child welfare system. Brevard Family Partnership and its community partners provide child abuse prevention, foster care and support, adoption, independent living, and community outreach services to the children and families of Brevard County, Florida.
In 2014, Brevard Family Partnership launched The National Center of Innovation & Excellence (NCFIE) to serve as the research, training, and technical assistance arm of BFP. By advancing best and evidence-based practices, system reform initiatives, and high-fidelity wraparound, the NCFIE cadre of resources, services, training, and consultation exists to promote the establishment and sustainability of family-driven Systems of Care in the United States and beyond.
Being a part of a Family of Agencies allows us all to be more productive and intentional within each member’s service specialty while working toward a joint mission of “protecting children, strengthening families, and changing lives.”