By developing resources, delivering services, and providing technical assistance, consultation, and training, we are able to transform Systems of Care to provide the highest quality of services. Our dedicated team of professionals and experts specialize in children, youth, and family-based programs and processes, including High Fidelity Wraparound, which was developed to address at-risk youth and children experiencing mental, emotional, behavioral, safety, or mental health challenges.

A team-based planning process intended to provide individualized, coordinated, family-driven care to meet the complex needs of children, youth, and families.

C.A.R.E.S Model
Developed by NCFIE, the C.A.R.E.S. Model uses a High Fidelity Wraparound process to build on individual and family strengths and increase protective factors to divert children safely, youth, and adults from the juvenile justice and child welfare systems and/or deeper into long-term mental health treatment.

System Reform
The NCFIE team has experience with Local, State, and Federal Government contracts and various funding sources. Our consulting team specializes in creating efficient, effective integrated systems using the Wraparound Process and Systems Of Care approach. They have successfully led full-scale system transformation initiatives to become successful, high-performing Systems of Care.

A team-based planning process intended to provide individualized, coordinated, family-driven care to meet the complex needs of children, youth, and families.

C.A.R.E.S Model
Developed by NCFIE, the C.A.R.E.S. Model uses a High Fidelity Wraparound process to build on individual and family strengths and increase protective factors to divert children safely, youth, and adults from the juvenile justice and child welfare systems and/or deeper into long-term mental health treatment.

System Reform
The NCFIE team has experience with Local, State, and Federal Government contracts and various funding sources. Our consulting team specializes in creating efficient, effective integrated systems using the Wraparound Process and Systems Of Care approach. They have successfully led full-scale system transformation initiatives to become successful, high-performing Systems of Care.