Biannually, during the National Wraparound Conference, the National Center for Innovation and Excellence proudly recognizes individuals and organizations for their outstanding work in the field of Wraparound both within the United States and around the World.
The Program of the Year Award recognizes an exemplary model High Fidelity Wraparound program that adheres to the principles of practice, demonstrates, creativity, inclusion of youth and family voice at every level, and evidence that is based on the positive outcomes of the children, youth, and families served.
The Innovations and Excellence Person of the Year Award is presented to an exemplary individual who embraces and embodies the principles of wraparound. This individual demonstrates innovation, creativity, and promotes youth and family voice and strong partnership while contributing to the advancement of the field.
Congratulations to the following Innovation Awards recipients.
2016 Program of the Year Award Nominees
- Wraparound Connections at Vista Del Mar
- CHRIS Kids
- Talbert House
Recipient: CHRIS Kids
2016 Innovations and Excellence Person of the Year Award
John Franz
2014 National Innovation Award
Eric Bruns, Ph.D.
Groundbreaking research scientist and leader
Co-founder, National Wraparound Initiative
2014 Global Innovation Award
National Association of Child Care Workers
Isibindi – Creating Circles of Care and Safe Parks
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